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ECOBILAN Life Cycle Analysis of Fish Boxes in three materials across three EU countries

January 2012   |   Executive Summary
Executive Summary – the background to the study

The aim of this independently-assessed life cycle analysis was to obtain reliable and up-to-date information on the environmental performance of EPS packaging for fresh fish and seafood products compared with other materials being offered.

The analysis is based on the comparison of three packaging solutions – EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) boxes, corrugated cardboard boxes and polypropylene boxes) and to ensure relevance to actual market circumstances across Europe, the study used real market scenarios using actual operating conditions from Spain, France and Scandinavia.

Executive Summary – overall conclusions

This study used expert knowledge and data from a number of sources including input from ANAPE, EcoPSE, EUMEPS, several industry partners and the leading international consultancy Price Waterhouse Coopers Consulting.

It has revealed important conclusions.

EPS is a highly competitive and provably sustainable packaging material for fresh fish with demonstrably better (or at the least comparable) LCA performance results across most of the environmental indicators used in the markets tested.

The LCA also shows that the excellent performance of EPS has even further potential for improvement through reduced energy usage in manufacture and better recycling options in the future.

Executive Summary – objectives and methodology

Key Objective:

Assessment of the true environmental impacts of EPS packaging.

Methodology / Data collection:

“Cradle-to-grave” Study, reflecting the full life cycle of each packaging system

Comparative study for three alternative fish box solutions

Expanded Polystyrene

Corrugated Polypropylene

Waterproofed Cardboard

Reference Scenarios for Spain, France, Scandinavia

4kg fresh fish from local harbour in France to local fish market

6kg fresh fish from local harbour in Spain to local fish market

20kg fresh fish from local fisheries in Denmark to international fish market

Executive Summary – key data
Executive Summary key data regarding expanded polystyrene EPS fish boxes, airpop
Executive Summary – EPS performance by market scenario


On the French market of the 8 environmental indicators, EPS performed better than cardboard in 4 and was at least comparable in 3. EPS also performed better than Polypropylene in 2 indicators and was at least comparable in 5.


For Spanish Market of the 8 environmental indicators, EPS performed better than cardboard in 5 and was at least comparable in 2. EPS also performed better than Polypropylene in 3 indicators and was at least comparable in 3.


For the Scandinavian market of the 8 environmental indicators, EPS performed better than cardboard in 3 and was at least comparable in 1. EPS also performed better than Polypropylene in 1 indicator and was at least comparable in 5.

Executive Summary – further significant potential for EPS

The LCA indicates that two main stages of the life cycle of fish boxes have the greatest impact upon the environment:

Production of raw material

Production of finished packaging

By continuing its energy reduction efforts, the EPS industry has the potential to further improve its advantages over other materials.

An optimised end of life recycling effort would also offer the potential for further LCA advantages.

Edited and summarised from the original EuMEPS study by the EPS Group of the British Plastics Federation

Fish boxes made from EPS expanded polystyrene airpop keep fish fresh for longer

    Why use EPS?

  • EPS expanded polystyrene airpop is a low-cost solution

    Highly efficient manufacture and localised production units mean EPS is a low-cost, proven solution

  • EPS expanded polystyrene airpop gives outstanding impact resistance

    The 2% polystyrene cellular matrix gives outstanding impact resistance

  • EPS expanded polystyrene airpop is insoluble and non-hygroscopic

    EPS is insoluble and non-hygroscopic

  • Styrene for EPS expanded polystyrene airpop is abundant in natural products

    Styrene for EPS is a byproduct of refining but is also abundant in natural products

  • EPS expanded polystyrene airpop is hygienic
    Hygienic & Safe

    EPS is non-toxic, chemically inert, and fungi and bacteria cannot grow on it

  • EPS expanded polystyrene airpop uses clean manufacturing technologie
    Low Carbon

    Clean manufacturing technologies mean minimal energy and water inputs with no production waste

  • EPS expanded polystyrene airpop keeps fish safe and eradicates waste

    Unique insulation performance keeps fish safe and eradicates waste

  • EPS expanded polystyrene airpop is 98% air

    EPS is effectively 98% air, minimising weight impacts in transportation

  • EPS expanded polystyrene airpop packaging is easily recyclable

    EPS packaging is easily recyclable where facilities exist